In L.A. we get and regift boxes of See's on every occasion. Affordable and presently packaged, it's the I-Thought-About-You-But-Not-Too-Much gift. There's a See's at every mall.
The bonbons come in mixed batches so you learn to identify the favorites quickly, like Bordeaux (buttercream and sugar, round with sprinkles) and scotchmallow® honey (marshmellow and honey, round and unmarked). Then you won't get stuck with the duds (peanut nougat, rectangular).
I'm not sure if my mom was saving this for a special regifting occasion or just stockpiling. But I feel like I need to redeem my two pounds of chocolate today, at least before the garage eats it up again. I wouldn't want my mom to have saved a forever gift certificate for nothing.
yummy! i think forever gift certificates are fantastic. my mom got one years ago and gave it to me. i don't know where i put it...
find it and use it! i kind of hate gift certificates because I always lose em but thank god see's isn't going out of business anytime soon.
i LOVE Sees chocolates!
xo p
This is the sweetest sentiment ever! On another note, I have been inspired by this blog to take up Chinese lessons. Gotta learn how to read and write in my ancestral language. Just signed up today!
i will have to find it. i lost it when i moved. and i totally hate gift certificates/cards for this exact reason. :)
Ling, let me know if you need a chinese-english dictionary. I have many!
Good reading your posst
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