
Infinite Pumpkins

I only have things in multiples so here's what I have for Halloween. Infinite pumpkins!

The second to the left Jack is a plush basketball wearing a Jack-O-Lantern mask. That's his Halloween costume. 

The pumpkins adorn the living room. 

I wish it were always Halloween. From inheriting so much clothing, I feel as if I should wear an elaborate costume everyday. It's a strange thing to have infinite wardrobe options even when you aren't infinitely rich. Frilly victorian or Meryl Streep in Out Of Africa? Masculine feminine Annie Hall or Pretty In Pink? Maybe it's because I have spent too much time around clothes, but I am at a point where I have minor anxiety over not being able to wear all the things my mother left me. Even after giving away truckloads, there aren't enough days or nights or tea parties or horse races or weddings or gay clubs to wear what's left. I need to travel to the planet where it's Halloween everyday. 

Stories About The Things We Wear

Check out the story of the Sex Plug on a new project called Worn Stories! Each week WS features the story of a favorite worn item. Contributors include designers, writers, and artists such as the 8-bit Cory Arcangel. Emily Spivak, the creator of WS also edits Sentimental Value where she collects hilariously true stories found within eBay listings.


Music Monday: The Student Sound Volume 4

Crumpled with a moist layer of grime on the plastic sleeve protector, this record is from my grandfather's collection, shipped from Taiwan. It might have been my mother's. She's the most likely of her siblings not just to buy music but to keep it all these years.

I thought it was another luscious lady of Chinese pop, but the cover girl is the only thing Chinese about The Student Sound, Volume 4. The record is a compilation of western "golden hits" from '69, including "The White Room" and "Ob-La-Di-Ob-La-Da". 

When I think of "students" and "1969", I don't imagine a proper pin-up girl next to a flower. I think of girls with flowers in their hair, youth revolt, Third World Strike, and bell bottoms. The spirit of '69 got lost on the way to Taiwan.
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