
Invisible Cities

This inlaid wood wall piece is a bit beat up, but it's still a dreamy place to visit.  

Reminds me that labyrinthine cities like Venice or Hong Kong are the best places to go and get lost.

Hong Kong's Central, Goldfinch's from In The Mood For Love, Thai restaurant in Kowloon, and Soho

Venetian alleyway, view from the clock tower, on the vaporetti

This post is inspired the band of the same name. Check out their awesome stop-motion video


Unknown said...

I want! ;)

Raina Lee said...

money talks, erin. will trade for sweaty equity

Unknown said...

uh.. what can I do in trade? Is this the part where I have to fly over there and help you organize?

Raina Lee said...

meant "sweat equity" not "sweaty equity", though I will take either in organization + ebaying. I'll even throw in a private jacuzzi and a dog (temporarily)

accidentalpimp said...

Sweaty equity? You should keep the Invisible Cities piece. In fact, it should be the cover art to their next album.

Han said...

whoa, love the photos. i *just* re-watched "in the mood for love" this past weekend, and re-experienced just how heartbreakingly beautiful it is.

Raina Lee said...

Scott, "sweaty equity" means moving large boxes of clothes for me, are you game? if you do so I will give you back that pillow you guys left at my house in 2001.

Han, thanks! I love the moodieness, the color and costumes of the In The Mood For Love world. And it's also just so damn sad which makes for a good story.

Unknown said...

If no one else claims this gem through either sweat equity or sweaty equity, I am game! I'll drive down and move whatever!

Parisa said...

You look amazing!!!
xo p

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